Life On The New Earth: Living Your Purpose, Following Your Passion!

    The New Earth is going to come to its’ fullness when we as a society are full of people who are living their Purpose, and following their Passion.

    The war has been long. We the Children of the Light have been fighting for our survival for a long time, and we have been fighting to reclaim this Earth from the powers of darkness.

    I want to say that we have won the war. There is still much improvement that needs to be made in our society- but we HAVE GAINED THE VICTORY, and THE HARDEST PART IS OVER!

    Now we need to focus on making the changes that are in harmony with the new vibration of our planet.

    PEOPLE are what is going to make this New Earth different from the old Earth. PEOPLE LIVING THEIR PURPOSE.

    YOU ARE MEANT TO USE YOUR GIFTS! Follow your heart. Follow your gifts, even if you think you cannot make money off of them. Live as an authentic version of yourself. You will be happier if you are using the gifts that you have. The world needs your gifts, even if you think that your gifts are unimportant, or not necessary to the functioning of society.

    Perhaps you have tried to use your gifts before and felt stifled because you didn’t experience the success or make the money you wanted. I want to say that everyone has a contribution to make, and whether you make money or not, whether you achieve material success or not, YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD IS JUST AS VALUABLE AS EVERYONE ELSE’S!!! We need to take the focus off of money. Give your gifts for the sake of your gifts. They will touch the people they are meant to touch. Even if you only touch one or two people at the minimum, YOU HAVE STILL MADE A CONTRIBUTION.

    The New Earth is about Contribution. If we all Contribute who and what we are- our strengths, our talents, our love- we will transform this Earth. The Energy Matrix of the physical Earth has already been transformed and is vibrating at vibrations of Love and Harmony. The Karmic and Psychic garbage that was in the ethers of this Earth has been transmuted, and truly our planet has ascended energetically. As well, all human bodies are now capable of holding more Light. Many of us are channels and frequency transmitters for this new Crystalline Divine Light and Love Energy.

    We, the Children of Light, have always been Agents of Change. Now, the greatest way we can be these Agents of Change is to give our gifts and live authentically. The planet is different now. Humanity is functioning as one living Organism. We are all connected, we are all one, and each individual Contribution is necessary for the Prosperity and Well- Being of ALL.

    I want you to realize that your gifts are needed. No one else can make the Contribution that you are uniquely equipped to make. As a Child of the Light- as a Lightworker- as a Child of God and the Universe- please realize that you are NOW being called to step out of the shadows and affect and influence as many people as possible with your gifts. Perhaps stepping out of the shadows may seem scary. But it is necessary. It is time.

     The more people are using their gifts and living their Purpose, the faster we will see change and transformation in this society, and make the potential of the New Earth a living reality. We are now capable of creating Paradise on Earth. Things are not as they once were. Things are not as they have been for all the thousands of years of recorded History. WE HAVE EVOLVED. THERE ARE NEW POSSIBILITIES ON THE HORIZON. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE LIMITLESS!!! I hope you will accept this message into your heart, and decide to share your gifts with the world. I hope you will decide to live your most heartfelt Purpose that stirs your Soul. This is how we will manifest Paradise and Perfection on the New Earth.

– Sophia Amenti