My Valentine’s Day

So I’m alone on Valentine’s Day. I’ve always been alone on Valentine’s Day. I keep waiting for the year that will change. I was hoping it would be today. But it’s just me, laying in my bed, blogging, thinking about the one I desire. And I have to trust that everything’s gonna be alright.
I’m not sad. Just eager to finally have true love. I believe in the Law of Attraction. I have to put out the right energy, if I really want to be with the one. And up to now, I really haven’t been doing that. I’ve been insecure all my life, until recently. I didn’t think I deserved love, or was worthy of it. I didn’t think that the men I wanted would want me back. So I secretly retreated from men, and wouldn’t give my heart away. Instead, I became like a Nun. It was just me and God. Jesus was my husband.
But now I see how much of a part I am playing in my Destiny. I believe in myself now. I know I’m an angel that forgot how to fly. So I’m flying now. I’m falling. And the right Prince will catch me. Life really is like a Fairy Tale. But you gotta Believe- in the Magic.
My life is amazing and it’s getting better every day. To my Prince: Wherever you are this Valentine’s Day, you have my whole heart, all my love, and all my support. You’re special. I know it. And nothing compares to what we have. So even though I can’t be with you in the flesh yet, tonight, I am with you and you have all of me, right there by your side, in spirit and truth. Baby…there’s nothing like us. I love you everybody. Happy Valentine’s Day. God is GOOD. Love never fails. Remember that. God bless you all.