Embracing All People: A New Earth Philosophy Of Love, Service, And Acceptance

Every human is valuable. Every human was uniquely and divinely designed. Jesus Christ died on the Cross to make it possible for every human who ever lived to have the opportunity to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

We are being called to embrace every person on this planet! We, Humanity, are living on a New Earth! The New Earth is about cooperation and collaboration. We are being called to see the best in everyone. We are being called to serve Humanity, and offer help and love to all people. Now is not the time to let differences separate us. We must see the touch of the Master(the LORD) in all people! Each person can and will benefit from the love we offer them.

We need to work together. We need to involve ourselves with the business of serving Humanity. We need to see each person on this planet as a crucial and necessary part of the New Earth. We humans have often been led by our egos and been unloving towards those who didn’t fit into our narrow mentalities. We have been self-absorbed, and we have rejected many people because they didn’t please our egos. Our egos made us self-absorbed, judgmental, and critical of many others.

Now is the time to realize that we are all a necessary part of the New Earth society that we desire to manifest. A  thriving society, a healthy society, a wonderful world, is created when we as individuals honor all flesh and blood and refuse to exclude anyone from our love and acceptance. We are not perfect, and some people are hard to love. But at this time, in the evolution of Humanity, we are being called to see the beauty and value in everyone, and to treat each person on this planet as a uniquely and divinely designed gift from Our Father Above.

– Sophia Amenti, Cosmic Mother Jerusalem

Children Of The Earth

Children of the Earth,

Love each other. Wake up from your dreams of separation and hatred. Each one of you humans are extraordinary, uniquely designed, crafted with love. Stop living in the Illusion that you are unloved. God loves you. Jesus Christ sacrificed His life so that each and every person could have the opportunity to experience the love of God.

You do not need to believe in Illusions anymore. You have never been unloved and you are being assisted by love. God IS love.

This planet is a masterpiece of God. Let’s take care of it. Let’s take care of each other. We all live on the same planet. If I am well, if I am strong, I have a better chance of helping you to be strong. We need each other. God loves us. We need to love ourselves and each other.

– Mother

Life On The New Earth: Living Your Purpose, Following Your Passion!

    The New Earth is going to come to its’ fullness when we as a society are full of people who are living their Purpose, and following their Passion.

    The war has been long. We the Children of the Light have been fighting for our survival for a long time, and we have been fighting to reclaim this Earth from the powers of darkness.

    I want to say that we have won the war. There is still much improvement that needs to be made in our society- but we HAVE GAINED THE VICTORY, and THE HARDEST PART IS OVER!

    Now we need to focus on making the changes that are in harmony with the new vibration of our planet.

    PEOPLE are what is going to make this New Earth different from the old Earth. PEOPLE LIVING THEIR PURPOSE.

    YOU ARE MEANT TO USE YOUR GIFTS! Follow your heart. Follow your gifts, even if you think you cannot make money off of them. Live as an authentic version of yourself. You will be happier if you are using the gifts that you have. The world needs your gifts, even if you think that your gifts are unimportant, or not necessary to the functioning of society.

    Perhaps you have tried to use your gifts before and felt stifled because you didn’t experience the success or make the money you wanted. I want to say that everyone has a contribution to make, and whether you make money or not, whether you achieve material success or not, YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD IS JUST AS VALUABLE AS EVERYONE ELSE’S!!! We need to take the focus off of money. Give your gifts for the sake of your gifts. They will touch the people they are meant to touch. Even if you only touch one or two people at the minimum, YOU HAVE STILL MADE A CONTRIBUTION.

    The New Earth is about Contribution. If we all Contribute who and what we are- our strengths, our talents, our love- we will transform this Earth. The Energy Matrix of the physical Earth has already been transformed and is vibrating at vibrations of Love and Harmony. The Karmic and Psychic garbage that was in the ethers of this Earth has been transmuted, and truly our planet has ascended energetically. As well, all human bodies are now capable of holding more Light. Many of us are channels and frequency transmitters for this new Crystalline Divine Light and Love Energy.

    We, the Children of Light, have always been Agents of Change. Now, the greatest way we can be these Agents of Change is to give our gifts and live authentically. The planet is different now. Humanity is functioning as one living Organism. We are all connected, we are all one, and each individual Contribution is necessary for the Prosperity and Well- Being of ALL.

    I want you to realize that your gifts are needed. No one else can make the Contribution that you are uniquely equipped to make. As a Child of the Light- as a Lightworker- as a Child of God and the Universe- please realize that you are NOW being called to step out of the shadows and affect and influence as many people as possible with your gifts. Perhaps stepping out of the shadows may seem scary. But it is necessary. It is time.

     The more people are using their gifts and living their Purpose, the faster we will see change and transformation in this society, and make the potential of the New Earth a living reality. We are now capable of creating Paradise on Earth. Things are not as they once were. Things are not as they have been for all the thousands of years of recorded History. WE HAVE EVOLVED. THERE ARE NEW POSSIBILITIES ON THE HORIZON. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE LIMITLESS!!! I hope you will accept this message into your heart, and decide to share your gifts with the world. I hope you will decide to live your most heartfelt Purpose that stirs your Soul. This is how we will manifest Paradise and Perfection on the New Earth.

– Sophia Amenti

Reclaim Your Power

    Your mind has power. If you have the Holy Spirit by faith in Jesus Christ, than your spirit has power. Reclaim your power. You don’t have to be a victim of any power outside yourself. You still have your mind. You can reclaim your mind.
    The Holy Spirit has inspired me to have big faith now, like I did when I was a child. I’ve been talking with the Holy Spirit. In my conversations I’ve learned how much power I have. No matter what happened in the past, I still have power. And so do you.
    We write the future with the LORD- He hasn’t decided it all yet. We are partners with God. We’re waiting on Him, but He is waiting for US to decide what WE are going to do!
   Believe BIG. Create the life you want. Don’t let anybody stop you. Nobody can, if you don’t let them.
   God is good. I hope you have enjoyed this. Peace and love.

– Sophia Amenti

The Joy Of Self-Discovery: Healing Your Life Through Self-Inquiry And Self-Observation

    One of the greatest things we can do for ourselves is ask questions about ourselves, to ourselves.
    I have recently realized the value of Self-Observation and Self-Inquiry. I realize now the opportunities that God and Consciousness are constantly presenting me.
    We were created to experience JOY, ALL THE TIME. God wants us joyful and happy. If you are not joyful and happy, Self-Inquiry and Self-Observation can get you there.
    I have been doing this in my own life. I’ve really been looking at my thoughts and feelings. I have realized that sadness, anger, and powerlessness ARE A CHOICE. I am not sad or angry because of the things that happened to me. I have been making a choice to be sad and angry. Being sad and angry has felt better to me than being happy and joyful. It sounds ridiculous, but I think this is the case for many of us. I inquired of myself why I had to suffer so much, and I realized that I started out sad. The things that happened to me in my life merely amplified the fact that I was ALREADY SAD. I realized that I am a sad person, have always been that way, and I have a natural tendency towards being sad. I actually WANTED to be sad, rather than happy. I also see now the ways that I am a naturally angry person, and naturally insecure, competitive, jealous, etc..
   What I am saying is that the things that happen to you do not make you who you are. I believe now through my process of Self-Inquiry that WE START OFF THE WAY WE ARE, and then LIFE REFLECTS BACK TO US THE WAY WE ALREADY ARE. Nobody made you sad, angry, jealous, insecure, competitive, etc….  . THOSE ARE TRAITS OF YOUR INDIVIDUALIZED SOUL. Some would call it Ego, but maybe it’s not! Maybe these are just aspects of our soul that God and life give us an opportunity to look at through our experiences. Why do we think and feel the way we do? Because that is the way we are, and have been for a long time. But if you do not wish to be that way anymore, ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU CAN CHANGE!!! You no longer have to be any way you do not want to be. Once you observe and inquire and you discover that you are naturally the way you are, don’t judge it. Unless you know what you do not want to be, you cannot know what you actually WANT to be!!! So throughout your life, all of your flaws have been trying to show you the way you actually ARE, so that you could get to the point where you could one day realize and decide that you DO NOT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. If you have always been sad, stop placing the blame for your sadness on what happened to you. Acknowledge your organic sadness that has always been with you. You do not have to know WHY you’ve always been sad, just accept that you ALWAYS HAVE BEEN. Not every soul is born happy. Not every soul is born peaceful. Not every soul is born loving. Acknowledge the soul you have and the soul you are. Whatever you are, you have always been that, and your experiences DID NOT cause you to be that way. But you can decide you have had ENOUGH of being that way, and you can begin being the soul and person you WANT to be.
Take a good look in the mirror of your soul. Find out who you are, through Self-Inquiry and Self-Observation. Only when you acknowledge who you presently are and who you have always been, only then can you give your life a makeover, and become a new you!!! Peace, love, and blessings to you.
-Sophia Amenti

The Freedom Revolution & The Sophia Amenti Movie

    I’m at my apartment, listening to Tori Amos, “From The Choir Girl  Hotel”. Miss Tori is one of my favorite Artists, and one of the biggest inspirations for my music that I write. I have listened to this album frequently over the years, since it was first released in 1998.
    Music has Power. Art has Power. Communication IS POWER. I decided to listen to this album tonight, and suddenly I felt inspired to blog.
    I met with my Screenwriter today. We are in the process of  getting a Screenplay ready to make into a feature film. 3 1/2 years ago, the Lord gave me the Vision and inspired me to pursue turning my life story into a movie. The meeting today went great, and this process is very exciting.
    I am 4 followers away from having 1,000 followers on Twitter. That is a huge a accomplishment I think, and I will be very proud when I pass 1,000. It is a very significant number.
I’ve been putting this in alot of my recent tweets:

    The Freedom Revolution is coming. This movie is going to shed light, and bring Awareness to Humanity about many issues that we need to address-if we want to see real Change, Progress, and Advance for Humanity and the beings of Planet Earth. Humanity is in the midst of a massive Awakening, on a Global Scale.
    The Lord is doing something that has never been heard of. Those who are formed in His Son are going to experience tremendous blessing and increase. Those who don’t know the Lord, and His Son Jesus, will gain new understanding, wisdom, and knowledge, that will help them decide whether they want to be Team Light, or Team Darkness. But the opportunity for TRUE CHOICE will be present. In the past this was not so. Earth has been in the grip of darkness for a very long time.  Humans have been made prisoners, and turned into slaves and zombies. This is not God’s will. The Truth that TRULY sets people free is going to be made available to the masses! And many shall be healed, and saved, and delivered from their suffering, oppression, and torment.
    Be excited! We are living in extraordinary times. Find Jesus, Accept Jesus, Know Jesus, and be blessed! Humanity is on the brink of radical change. Receive that. Thank you for being on this journey with me. The movie is coming.


The New Earth Is A Beautiful, Amazing Place!

The Lord is doing amazing things. The New Earth is a beautiful, thriving, peaceful place. Jehovah is building the waste places. Babylon has passed away, and for yet a little while we shall have peace. God is comforting His people, from all walks of life. He is making Himself known in a way that has never been possible before. Our knowledge and technology have made it possible to influence and reach populations that haven’t known God. He wants to make Himself known to the lost and hurting. If you get a chance, check out the Drake HYFR video-he’s celebrating his Bar Mitzvah! Way to expose the world to the Living God Drake! And Justin Bieber is starting his tour in PHOENIX! That’s no coincidence. The New Illuminati know that Phoenix is the Headquarters of Spiritual Israel. I’m grateful. God is good. Just living life and watching the Lord work His wonders. Stay tuned!