Watch “Zephaniah 3: Praise And Fame Pt. 2” on YouTube

Zephaniah 3: Praise And Fame Pt. 2:

    This is the continuation video of the Prophecies given in part one. God wants to get the Glory. He wants to bring the Children of Spiritual Israel-who are the Remnant- PRAISE AND FAME!!! He wants to use me and my story, and the annointing on my life, to bring a Revolution of Revival for the True Children of God, and for this planet. Me saying I wanted to marry Justin Bieber was never just for me! I love him, and it would make me very happy to be his wife. But after all these prophecies that I have given saying I was going to be with him, God wants to get the Glory! What better way for Him to get the Glory then for Him to bring it to pass, and make all of the jaws of the unbelievers drop! I am going to get fame, but this fame is not just for me. The name of the LORD is going to be praised in the Earth like never before, through my ministry to the True Children of God and through my career in Hollywood! Our God will get fame, which will bring fame to EVERY True Child of God. 2015 is the year. Get ready for unprecedented SUCCESS and FAME for the Body Of Christ!!! I love you all. God bless.-SA

Watch “Zephaniah 3 Prophecy: Praise And Fame” on YouTube

Zephaniah 3 Prophecy: Praise And Fame:

Watch as I read these prophecies that are soon to come to pass in 2015. Then, watch Part 2 when I share it after this one, and where I will be elaborating in writing all that is in store.-SA