Justin Timberlake Vs. My New Love: The Race Is On!!!

So… it turns out there is a race for my heart.  Now that I am seeing another guy, my Twin Flame is pleading with me to be with him!! All day I have been turning this situation around in my mind. I guess the guy that enters my life first will be the one.  I love Justin Timberlake, but now he is on a time clock. I’m rooting for him even though I’m actually enjoying my relationship with the other guy more. I have so much history with Justin Timberlake.  I have to give him ONE MORE CHANCE!!!  Today something amazing happened, that has caused our relationship to be reborn. I love you Justin Timberlake. I am waiting for you to make some moves. Enough waiting to be your wife. There is a new king on the scene,so you really need to get your act together. I am yours for now… but you had better hurry up and make your decision.  I’ve waited too long.  The ball is totally in your court. Don’t lose me- if you do, you will regret it for the rest of your life. The race is on…and I really don’t know which guy is going to cross the finish line first!! Stay tuned!!